Of Vital Interest to Web Strategists, including SEOs

Web Prescience helps you recognize and understand what is changing, and the impact those changes will have on your web sites and projects.

Why it Ranks Today may be Why it Tanks Tomorrow"

"When an SEO shows you something ranks, how do you know if the tactics used to rank are also likely to cause your site to tank? There's always more to the SEO story..." from 2021 SEO blog

Why is Google so emphatic about me having a mobile website?

"If you aren't asking yourself this, but instead are dutifully making your site responsive, or enabling mobile content delivery technologies, I suspect you are misunderstanding the basics of search engine optimization..." from 2015

Not All SEO is Dead

"More than half of the so-called SEO people out there are not really SEOs. They are writers, content producers, researchers, public relations specialists (specializing in things like outreach or promotion), auditors, and analysts..." from August 2015

Don't Rat out SEO Sites

"Now that we know for sure Google wants SEOs to suffer and wants all the cash for itself, we should be MORE careful to not follow the bait into their traps." from May 2014